"Hardware is an emerging brand of bags. It is known for its quality bags. Although there are many brands which offer good quality bags Hardware has one distinct quality that is neat designs. Yes! Bags owned by Hardwear always look very gorgeous because they are stitched and made very neatly. Their designs are always unique and appealing which attracts the customer to them. Second most prominent quality of hardware bags is their durability. You can easily use their bags for good 5-6 years and they will look still the same. These two qualities make hardware bags different and distinct that is why a person once own a Hardware bag cannot switch to another brand easily. Hardware believes in customer serving by offering affordable prices of their products. This is the reason lot of people are able to use stylish duffel bags or backpacks and they are always thankful to the Hardware company as this is the company which serves the customer by handling their issue with utmost efficiency and provide them products within their affordability."